Sunday, May 15, 2011

05/15/11 - Randomness

Gooooood morning/afternoon/evening, all of you out there in internet land! :-D

Just a little bit of randomness today!

The 7th assignment for "GJWTHF" is over. :-( It's making me sad because it's going past so quickly, but this first cycle has been WAAAAY more successful than I could have ever imagined. There will be a cycle 2, of course. I already have everything planned out. I am hoping for this one to go well, I just hope it does!

 Here is the link to the page for the entries:

And here is the link for the poll:
All votes are very much appreciated! :-)

"All About Me" is due tomorrow. There are still 12 people, I think, that have not turned in. I knew that the numbers were going to dwindle greatly, but I hope that we at least get a few of those in! I know that some of those people are like me, though, and just wait till the last minute!

To be honest, the contestants are really bringing it so far, with the entries that have been submitted. It could be that a lot of people just got scared! *lol*

Speaking of my personal entries, I have been working mostly on magazine stuff, but here are my two pics from the comps I am in:

Giant Woman, from "Sensation's Next Top Model":

(Venus York)

I was really proud of this one. I have been working on my editing skills. More often than not,  I will choose an in game shot over an edited one. I'm trying to get myself out of that. It's becoming an easy way out for me. Plus, I just had a lot of fun with it! :-)

And then we have...

Innocence, from "Exotica - Cycle 5"

(Devani Singh)

I figure that you can't get more innocent than an angel.

And then, we have the headshot that I created for my judging picture on "Queen of the Underworld."

You might not be able to tell...but that's ME! :-D I'm lovin' my pink hair, zebra makeup, and heart shaped pupils. ;-)

I am still stuck in "Braxton" mode, so I am playing them any chance that I get. *lol*

I might as well go ahead and post him here, because I posted him in the General Discussion forum last  night.

This is Blaze. He may or may not be your next Braxton heir. ;-) (But, you might as well say he is. :-P) He's a toddler right now, so he's only interested in potty training and biting the heads off of his sister's dolls. :-P

I apologize for being too selfish and control freakish to allow y'all to vote on an heir. Trust would have picked him, anyways. ;-)

Can you tell who he belongs to? I think it's obvious. But if you read the Braxton Legacy, you know I am all about some genetics! :-)

Ok, that is all for today! Happy Sunday, everyone. I'll be back for more a little later this week.

Things to look out for this week -

-I might actually try to upload sims to my sim blog! (Shocker!)

-Chapter 8 of The Braxton Legacy: Generations 3 (TENTATIVE!!!)

-Another entry on my personal blog. I am such a slacker. I think I write on there once every 6 months. ;-)


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